That Brewery Game
"Brew beer... Drink beer... Play!"
Garage Sales
Garage sale
Garage sales
So is your garage starting to fill up with 'junk', you know old hub caps and 'rare' tools that don't seem all that rare? Well one person's junk is another person's treasure. Hold a garage sale and turn that stuff into cold hard brew cash! For the price of one label credit you can immediately sell off your hubcaps and old tools for a hefty profit. here are the particulars...
  • It costs 1 label credit for each garage sale held
  • All of your items are immediately sold for $10 brew bucks each
  • You must have at least 100 items to hold a garage sale
  • To hold a garage sale use the button on your 'My Page' tab.

You may hold as many garage sales as you like, you will net more brew cash per sale by waiting until you have a lot of stuff

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